
Banana and Raspberry smoothie

I had some extra frozen raspberries in the freezer so I thought I’m not going to do a cake soon with them why not just make a yummy healthy drink instead.

Serves 4


A handful of frozen raspberries

2-3 large bananas

2 cups of milk

Honey according to taste


Put the raspberries, cut bananas, and the milk in a electric mixer then mix. After add honey as much you wish and mix again to combine well.

Drink ready!

Avocado smoothie

Many people don’t know what to do with an avocado nor do they actually like it. In addition to its health aspects it is a very good when eaten with a pinch of salt, to me at least 😀 but it is also good in a variety of Mexican dishes. Yet, if you want to make it taste a whole lot better but still be healthy then you only have to add honey to it. Put about 2 to 3 cut avocados in a blender then add the quantity of honey you wish.

If you don’t mind the calories, you can add a dollop of thick cream on the top. Best eaten with a spoon 😛

Guava and orange smoothie

Serving: About a liter


2 cups of guava juice (you can use the canned or bottle kind, just put them in a plastic container in the freezer for a while to harden to avoid using icecubes)
1 cup orange juice
1 large banana
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey


1) Mix the guava juice with the orange juice in a blender.

2) Add to them the banana and the lemon juice and mix.

3) Lastly add the honey and blend until smooth.

Translated from

Chocolate milk

I was talking to my brother about chocolate milk and how just putting milk and cocoa together with cold water doesn’t taste very good and he preferred the one with melted chocolate, so my sister  says oh I know how to do chocolate milk like the one you buy from the supermarket…what! Why didn’t you say that from years?! She said no one asked her, can you believe it?! Anyhow, after shouting at her she told us how to do it. It is a very close match and yummy drink.

Servings: (only Ajla 😛 ) 3


1 ¼ condensed milk with no sugar
2 cups of water
(If you don’t have any condensed milk without sugar then use 3 ¼ cups of milk instead)
5 full teaspoons of cocoa powder
2 teaspoons sugar (this is according to taste so I put very little so anyone can add as much as they want later)


1) Mix the condensed milk and the water then heat them up on medium fire under they are warm (not boiling, while whisking you will see foam and small bubbles on the side of the pan), whisk while heating.

2) When the milk is warm then whisk in the cocoa one teaspoon at a time until dissolved.

3) Whisk in the sugar until dissolved.

4) Wait until it is at room temperature then put in the fridge to cool.